Why Quotas Might Work Better Than Tariffs

by Jelani Rucker on September 12, 2018

There’s been a lot of talk about tariffs in the news lately. While many in the steel industry agree the 25% tariff on steel imports has had a positive impact on the domestic steel industry, some American companies that buy steel take issue with the increase in pric...

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When You Buy American, You Invest in Our Future

by Jelani Rucker on June 25, 2018

By now you’ve probably heard that every job in the steel industry creates seven supporting jobs. But did you know that every dollar spent on domestic goods creates a multiplier effect that impacts your local community and the overall U.S. economy? When you buy American product, your money multiplies through three levels of impact:...

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The Higher Cost of Steel Is Lower Than You Think

by Jelani Rucker on June 18, 2018

If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you know that President Trump’s 25% tariff on foreign steel has caused a similar increase in the price of domestic steel. That’s just basic economics. Now that foreign steel costs more, domestic steel can sell for a fair price. And most businesses have to pass the cost increase along to their custo...

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Solving the American Steel Crisis

by Jelani Rucker on April 30, 2018

The new steel tariffs have countless critics, but many business leaders believe they’re critical for the health of both the American steel industry and the entire country. Zekelman Industries’ Executive Chairman and CEO Barry Zekelman explains in a recent...

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Careers in the Steel Industry

by Jelani Rucker on April 23, 2018

In our latest video, Zekelman Industries’ executive chairman and CEO, Barry Zekelman, gets real about what it’s like to work with steel these days. It’s not a dirty, old industry anymore — it’s an exciting place where you can earn a good living. There are hundreds of stories of entry-level workers advancing to build successful, life-chang...

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Manufacturing Supports Communities

by Jelani Rucker on April 16, 2018

In this video Barry Zekelman, executive chairman and CEO of Zekelman Industries, says his work isn’t just about making money — it’s about making a positive impact on families across America. He’s seen manufacturing workers build careers, raise families, enjoy a great life and give back to the improvement of their communities, which benefits...

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Why Domestic Manufacturing Matters

by Jelani Rucker on April 9, 2018

In this video Barry Zekelman, executive chairman and CEO of Zekelman Industries, discusses the value of domestic manufacturing jobs. Over the years many American factory workers have been forced to take lower-paying jobs in the service industry. A revitalized U.S. manufacturing sector would mean higher wages and a boost in overall income for our fa...

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Steel Imports by the Numbers

by Jelani Rucker on March 26, 2018

Those outside the American steel industry might not know much about the impact of steel imports on our economy. A few years ago, people might have heard about the closing of mills such as...

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Why Choose American Metal

by Jelani Rucker on March 19, 2018

There are lots of reasons to choose American-made steel. Not only do you avoid paying tariffs on imports and help support the domestic steel industry, but money spent with American companies is recycled through the broader communities in the form of jobs, retail, taxes and more. In contrast, money spent with foreign companies leaves the U.S. and on...

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The Power of a Tariff on Foreign Steel

by Jelani Rucker on March 12, 2018

On March 1, 2018, President Trump announced his decision to act on the findings of the Section 232 investigation that began in April 2017. The measures — a 25% tariff on steel imports and a 10% tariff on aluminum imports, with at least temporary exemptions for Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the European Union, Mexico and South Korea — ha...

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